SUNI Committees

SUNI Committees are where, as the old saying goes, the rubber meets the road. Committees are made up of volunteers who love helping the community and meeting some neighbors in the process! Committees are always looking for volunteers who have time and energy and ideas. The best place to get involved is to join a committee and try to make a difference.


If you would like to volunteer to help a committee, please contact Trupti Suthar at:


Land Use Committee

Committee Co-Chairs: Rod Kazenske & Trupti Suthar

The SUNI Land Use Committee serves the citizens of Sunnyside by representing the neighborhood with regard to planning and zoning matters between its residents, the city, RTD, developers and neighborhood business owners. The principal role of the committee is to advise and consult on zoning, planning and development matters as they affect Sunnyside, its residents and its future.  If you are planning a project for your property or have a zoning matter, this is also for you.


The committee meets at 6:30PM on the 2nd Thursday of every month and is always welcoming of new, interested members from the community.  Email us with any questions.


Agenda, documentation and call info can be found on our Public Drive.


Membership Committee

Committee Chairperson: Ann Marie Yacobucci

The Membership Committee is responsible for engaging Sunnyside Residents and Businesses and keeping an accurate directory of our members.


Events Committee

Committee Chairperson: Katharine Mahoney

The Events Committee works on putting together SUNI Sippers, the Annual Pizza Party as well as other fundraising events.  We are always looking for volunteers from the community to help during our events.  If you are interested, please contact us and let know!


Communications/Marketing Committee

Committee Chairperson: Open

The Communications/Marketing Committee handles our newsletter, social media presence and website updates.  In addition they help with printing and mailings for events.


Parks and Rec

Committee Chairperson: Open

Parks and Rec committee works with the city and county on projects and investments and organizes park clean up in the neighborhood.  



Committee Chairperson: Open
The Sustainability Committee has 3 primary goals:
  • Improve waste diversion outcomes for businesses and schools – better materials sourcing, improved recycling, increased composting, and zero waste events
  • Reduce water usage across the neighborhood and improve water quality outcomes
  • Increase tree canopy in Sunnyside through planting more trees on public right of way, in parks and in private yards